Scholarship Applications Available for Careers in Healthcare
Hamilton Memorial Hospital Foundation "Careers in Healthcare" Scholarship applications are now available to graduating seniors from Hamilton County Senior High, Carmi-White County High School, and Norris City- Omaha- Enfield High School.
$1,000 scholarships will be offered to a minimum of one graduating senior pursing a career in a healthcare related field from each of the three schools.
"Helping students pursuing careers in healthcare is an important function of our Foundation. By increasing the value of the scholarships and expanding our reach to Carmi-White County High School and Norris City-Omaha-Enfield High School along with Hamilton County Senior High, we're hoping to assist them toward a career that could possibly bring them back to our area one day, " said Victoria Woodrow, Hamilton Memorial Hospital Foundation Director.
Applications can be obtained from the school guidance offices or by downloading from the link below.
2016 application CWCHS
2016 application NCOE
2016 application HCSH
For more information, contact any of the school guidance offices or Bethany Reyling, HMH Foundation Director at 618.643.2361 ext 4300 or